
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Who's the "Father of Geography"?

"Father of Geography"
A. Aristotle
B. Ptolemy
C. Eratosthenes
D. Kepler

Ans. : Born in Cyrene, in what is now Libya, in 276 B.C., Eratosthenes is commonly called the "father of geography" for he was the first to use the word geography and he had a small-scale notion of the planet that led him to be able to determine the circumference of the earth.

"father of geography"

Sunday, November 13, 2016

हमारा गंज-हजरतगंज, लखनऊ की दिल छू लेने वाली वीडियो

अगर आप लखनऊ में रहते हैं तो फिर आपको यकीनन हजरतगंज के बारे में भी पता होगा। देखिये इस डाक्यूमेंट्री में हजरतगंज को कितने बेहतरीन तरीके से दिखाया गया है. इसके इतिहास से वर्तमान तक का सफर, अंग्रेजों नवाबों के गंज से आज के गंज का सफर .. बड़े ही नवाबी अंदाज से बयान किया गया है.. और मुझे पक्का भरोसा है कि देखने के बाद लाइक करने से आप खुद को न रोक पायेंगें

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Which political and military leader inspired a number of Napoleon’s military actions?

Which political and military leader inspired a number of Napoleon’s military actions?
A. Peter the Great 
B. Alexander the Great 
C. Chinggis Khan

Question Asked By : SANKALPA PAL 

What is discussed in Galileo's 1606 book ( Galileo's 1606 publication) : Le operazioni del compasso geometrico

Galileo's book :"Le operazioni del compasso geometrico" which was published in 1606 . (En :
Operations of the Geometric and Military Compass)

Question Asked By : SANKALPA PAL

Which of the following is discussed in Galileo.s 1606 publication, Operations of the Geometric and Military Compass?
A. How to calibrate guns made of different materials
B. How to deploy armies with unequal fronts and flanks
C. How to construct guns